About 12 years ago I saw an add in Craigslist. A woman was selling off all her birds, peacocks, quails, chickens, etc and moving back east. I asked her if she had any eggs she would be willing to sell, didn't want, can't have the birds at my house. She told me come on over, so I spent a lovely hour with her admiring her large aviary with all the different birds. I collected a peacock egg from her, a few quail eggs and then she pulled this one out. She hadn't intended to sell it to me, but she didn't know what she was going to do with it. I was struck then as to just how dirty the egg was, washed it several time, it just stayed dirty, and dappled. While I was making these photos this one slipped off it's holder and broke in several pieces. So now, it's back to the hunt and while I'm loath to get one off the internet...I may have no choice.
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